"Preemptive Forgiveness", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 11

A Twelve Part Sermon Series by Bart Tarman

As human beings, one of the hardest things for us to deal with is forgiveness, something which never bothered Jesus. We struggle with this from the time we are children right on through our adult lives. How do we forgive when something has been done to us that leaves pain, suffering and a lingering sense of injustice? How do we forgive ourselves when we have done something that will have lasting effects on someone else?And what do we do when we feel so strongly that the other person should be the first to forgive? Or that we are so justified in our feelings of being right that we have no need to forgive. Bart explores these issues and several more surrounding forgiveness and how God and Christ come at us with a preemptive forgiveness for all the sins we have committed--large and small. They beat us to the punch, leaving us in a place that requires soul searching and perhaps leaving with the uncomfortable realization that in order to move forward, we need to forgive.


"Being Transfigured", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 12


"Inside Out", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 10