"Transformation", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 3

A Twelve Part Sermon Series by Bart Tarman

Part of our transformation as we try to live out our life by following Jesus, is that we are expected to be an open vessel, a container for God's love. But our goal is not to hoard that love, but to give it away to everyone with whom we come in contact. It can be, and often is, a surprising moment in our lives when we realize that giving God's love to someone else energizes and expands our love, for God always replenishes what we have given away. We are meant to be the very people Jesus entrusted with the Gospel. And instead of just sitting in church once a week for an hour or so, our mission is to share the Gospel, God's love, with our neighbors and friends and yes, even the stranger on the street. Bart is joined in his sermon today by a longtime friend, Art Kopecki, with whom he shared the 500 miles walking "The Way" across Northern Spain earlier this year.


"Humility", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 4


“Trust”, 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 2