"God's Preemptive Welcome", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 6

A Twelve Part Sermon Series by Bart Tarman

Bart continues his series on The 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 6 with a look at how God has already opened His arms wide and wants to welcome us in, despite our worries that we are not worthy of such love. In John's gospel we read that it was not that we loved God, but that God loved us first...and continues to do so in ways beyond our comprehension. So in taking an example from Jesus, who never turned anyone away and was always welcoming to the outcast, the marginalized, the poor, the lame, the blind, the leper...even the tax collector(!) we must lean to follow His lead and do the same.


"Never Apart From God", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 7


"Dying to Live", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 5