"Generosity of Love", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 8

A Twelve Part Sermon Series by Bart Tarman

Bart begins this message with a reading from John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." (NRSV) How much more loving can this generous God be? He gave us all a gift of such generosity that it is beyond our capacity to even understand what has been done for us. What are we generous with? Our money? Our time? Our talents? Our love? Bart points out that in "giving" we must do so from a place of love which is not restricted by our own sense of "how much" should we give. If one cannot give completely, freely and in the love of God, what's the point of doing so in the first place. Jesus became the ultimate gift to the whole world. And He was willing to give of himself in following the will of the Father. We can learn how to give in a generous, loving way which doesn't always mean we have to give money.


"Upside Down", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 9


"Never Apart From God", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 7