“The Holy Spirit and Guidance"

April 26, 2020 | Bart Tarman | Message, Music and Conversation

Pastor Bart Tarman delivers “The Holy Spirit and Guidance". Introduction by Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker and music from Music Director Kathleen Sieck.

Pastor Bart Tarman and Pastor Chris Pritchett converse about the the April 26 message “The Holy Spirit and Guidance"

A Message from

                   Pastor Bart Tarman

     Sunday,  April 26, 2020

Dear Friends of Summerland,

An idea to consider:  I had an idea I would like to share with you.  The idea is simple.  If you received a government check due to the pandemic, and you don’t actually need it- consider donating it to some person, or cause, or organization that you think does good work within our community or around the world.

Many of us needed the checks we received.  Many of us did not.  What if those of us who did not need it used it in some way that could help those who desperately did need it?

The people in need might be people as close to you as your own family.  It is interesting that in a famous passage about helping the poor (Isaiah 58), after encouraging us to take care of the homeless poor, it also reminds us not to “forget our own flesh”….. that is, our own families.

A Conversation to join:  I hope you will enjoy my reflections on “SPIRIT” but please be sure to listen to the follow up conversation I had with Chris Pritchett about the thoughts I shared in the teaching. The conversation video is posted directly next to the Spirit part 2 video.

A New Resource:  I have asked Dr. Ed Wimberly if he would be a regular contributor to our website on the topic of “Relational Health.”  He has agreed and you will find his first installment “Surviving the Crisis” where he talks about the pressures of sheltering in place and the need to give one another “grace” and “space.”  The article is posted in the Spiritual Growth link under the Relationships tab.

A New Website: We have been designing a new website as we realized that our website actually serves as our gathering space right now.  In a way, it's our digital church building.  So we thought it could use some deferred maintenance!  It should be online in the upcoming weeks.  

Peace and health to you all,



“The Holy Spirit and Identity"


Holy Spirit