Palm Sunday Sermon

April 5, 2020 | Bart Tarman | Message, Music and Conversation

Pastor Bart Tarman delivers the Palm Sunday message "Peace and Joy with the Cross in View" followed by music from Kathleen Sieck. Introduction by Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker.

Follow up Conversation with Pastor Bart Tarman, Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker and Music Director Kathleen Sieck.

A message from Pastor Bart Tarman:

Dear Friends of Summerland Church,

“Hosanna in the Highest!” and greetings on this Palm Sunday!

     I hope you are all well and staying safe.  I miss seeing each of you tremendously.  But this too, will pass.  And we will see one another again!  For the time being I have realized that this website is actually like our church building--it is the structure in which we meet!  

     And for that reason, we have decided to upgrade it in the next few weeks with the help of a task force from the church lead by Donnie Hedden and including David Mosgofian Koeker and Peter & Melinda Bie.


  Each week I'm giving a teaching followed by music provided by Kathleen Sieck.  We are also posting a follow-up video conversation about the sermon, between David, Kathleen, and myself.  

     Sharing my teaching with you remotely (from my home office) has been a bit of a learning curve for me, and I have found the recording of a conversation with David and Kathleen following the sermon to be very invigorating!  It’s good to have a chance to hear what others are thinking about my teaching, and to be able to clarify points.  

     When we decided to do this, David asked if I wanted to know the questions they would ask me ahead of time.  I instantly and intuitively knew my answer: “No.” I told him that I wanted it to be fresh and spontaneous, as if we were meeting over a cup of coffee after church.  

     I hope you will take the opportunity after listening to the main teaching and music, to listen in on our conversation following it.  Consider yourself invited to coffee with the three of us!

     Finally, I would like to encourage us all to continue to breathe deeply, inviting the Spirit of Christ to fill us; deliver us from fear and worry; and give us wisdom about living during this “in-between” period.  And of course, be safe.  Follow the guidelines our leaders are giving us.

     We also hope you will continue in your generosity to the work of our little church, which, by the way, has now grown to an “online community” of more than 1,000 people!  We have been amazed that in the past two weeks 2,000 visits have been made to this little website!  If you are one of the people in this “online community” we welcome you to our Church whose motto is:  Love Is Spoken Here.  We hope you feel it, are touched by it, and share it with those around you!




Redemptive Suffering


Steady Your Feet & Extend Your Grasp