Awakenings, Easter Message

April 12, 2020 | Bart Tarman | Message, Music and Conversation

Pastor Bart Tarman delivers the Easter Message "Awakenings". Introduction by Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker and music from Music Director Kathleen Sieck.

A message from Pastor Bart Tarman

Dear Friends of Summerland Church,

"He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!"

This is the cry of millions around the globe today! "He is Risen" means:

- death does not have the final say;
- suffering is ultimately temporary;
- God is with us at all times, good and bad;
- God is for us at all times;
- The larger story, within which all of our stories are lodged, has a wonderful ending;
- “there may be evil all around us, but it’s Love that wrote the play” (David Wilcox song).

We welcome you to our online community. We have posted spiritual reflections for all of Holy Week here that we hope can prove fruitful for any one, from any background, at any point in his/her life. These are messages of love, hope, and transformation.

Of course, this most recent one is our celebration and exploration of what it means that Christ has Risen. Please listen, reflect, and stay connected. We also have a Facebook page at “Summerland Presbyterian Church Group.

Your’s in the Journey,

Bart Tarman


Holy Spirit


Redemptive Suffering