Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sermon: “A Home for Spiritual Refreshment”

Steve Davis delivers the message "A Home for Spiritual Refreshment" with music from Kathleen Sieck and Christie Myers.

Click here to follow the service with the bulletin

A Prayer for Mother’s Everywhere

Leader: Most loving God, we thank you for creating each mother with a unique combination of gifts and talents. We thank you for the sacrifice of self each mom gives for her children.

People: We thank you for the flexibility of mothers, for their tirelessness, their perseverance, and their devotion.

Leader: We pray you give each mother strength. Help her to see in every mundane task the eternal, cosmic significance that you place on motherhood.

People: We pray that each mother may know her worth. Help each mother understand that through your Spirit, she is enough.

Leader: We pray for mothers who never had children of their bodies, but whose mothering heart extends to the many who cross the threshold of their lives. Loving God, help each mother to rest easy in the knowledge that she is but a steward of your children and that each child in her care ultimately belongs to You.

People: On this day in which we honor mothers, may we love and cherish the special women who have born us, who have nurtured us, and who have prayed for our well-being.

Leader: We pray today for mothers who have lost beloved children. May you comfort them in their grief with your tender heart of love. May our hearts overflow with gratitude to you, who formed and knitted each of us in a mother’s womb.

All: All this we ask through the love of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen!


Sunday, May 19, 2024


Sunday, May 5, 2024