“The Beliefs of those Around Jesus: Part 3, Expectant Faith.”

May 16, 2021 | David Mosgofian Koeker | Message and Music

Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker delivers the message “The Beliefs of those around Jesus, Part 3”, with music from Kathleen Sieck.


Children’s Story Time

References and Resources


Mathew 9:18-26

18 While he was saying these things to them, suddenly a leader of the synagogue came in and knelt before him, saying, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.” 19 And Jesus got up and followed him, with his disciples. 20 Then suddenly a woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his cloak, 21 for she said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be made well.” 22 Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well. 23 When Jesus came to the leader’s house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion, 24 he said, “Go away; for the girl is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him. 25 But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl got up. 26 And the report of this spread throughout that district.


“Your Glory”

All Sons and Daughters

Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus


Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good, oh we're singing
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good

Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good


Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good

Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good

Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good

My life is Yours
And my hope is in You only
And my heart You hold
'Cause You made this sinner holy
And holy, holy

'Cause Your glory is so beautiful
I fall onto my knees in awe
And the heartbeat of my life
Is to worship in Your light
'Cause Your glory is so beautiful
'Cause Your glory is so beautiful (oh)

My life is Yours
And my hope is in You only
And my heart You hold
'Cause You made this sinner holy
And holy, holy

'Cause Your glory is so beautiful
I fall onto my knees in awe
And the heartbeat of my life
Is to worship in Your light
'Cause Your glory is so beautiful
'Cause Your glory is so beautiful (oh)

Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good, oh we're singing
Glory glory hallelujah
Jesus You are good

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus


“The Beliefs of those Around Jesus: Part 4, Practicing the Presence of Jesus”


“12 Beliefs of Jesus: Preemptive Welcome”