
Our goal is to bring you relevant and inspiring reflections about the person and precepts of Jesus of Nazareth. We also believe that listening to these in the context of good music will help these thoughts to connect at the head and the heart levels. Find all the recordings of our Sunday messages below:

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Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

“Trust”, 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 2

Decades ago there was a TV game show hosted by Johnny Carson called "Who Do You Trust?" Married contestants were given a number of possiblities and then the husband or wife would say that the thing in question was true or not true about their relationship, with often surprising results. When it comes to trusting in God, trusting in Jesus, we may be faced with a number of possiblities because our trust system can be flawed. We may have any number of reasons of not wanting to trust Jesus. Afterall, this is an unseen force in our lives and we often feel it wiser to trust our own ways and instincts than turning everything over to God. But God is trusting in us that we will let go of our human instincts and put our trust in the one thing that is pure truth. Easy? Not always. Challenging? You bet. Changing the way we "trust" requires us to change the way we think about Jesus and God. It moves us out of a comfort zone that we can wrongly belief is serving us well. God is asking us to take a chance and let go of our stubborn ways in order to open our eyes to what is and what can be.

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Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

"The Kingdom of God", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 1

Ever wonder what Jesus believed in? While the question seems to beg a rather obvious answer, it may not be that simple. Bart begins this new series by taking us deeper into the meaning of what "belief" is about, why we struggle with our own, sometimes rigid beliefs, and how Jesus was constantly thinking outside the box and pushing the limits of a new paradigm.

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