Treasure Hunt!

Hi Friends,

I hope you’re week has been a good one! I love sharing Bible stories and stories about Jesus with you! The title of this weeks story is Hidden Treasure…it’s about the most important treasure ever to be found. I hope you like it as much as I do…

Some of you may know that this past Wednesday was the beginning of the season called Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. It can be a time of remembering all that Jesus has done, and is doing, for us. If you would like some more fun information about Lent to share with your family, please email me at Summerland Church and I will send you a packet in the mail. Don’t forget to include your address!!! I know it will be a meaningful and special time for you!

Enjoy our story, stay healthy, remember to be thankful and kind and wear your masks…

My love,




The Friend of Little Children


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