Running Away
Happy Easter!
“Ho, Ho, Ho Hosanna,
Ha, Ha, Ha Alleluia,
He, He, He He saved me,
I’ve got the JOY of the Lord!”
Please join us for our EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE
When: Sunday, April 4, 2021 at 10:30 am
(Please bring your own lawn chairs, blankets, hats and a joyful heart with you!)
Where: At Lookout Park in Summerland, CA
It will be a very special Easter treat to celebrate Jesus Resurrection with You and Your Families AGAIN!!!
There will be special Easter Activity Bags for the children along with a special story during our Worship time together, just for the child inside of each person there!
I’m counting the days until I can see your beautiful faces again!!!
My love,
Jenny Slorah