
Our goal is to bring you relevant and inspiring reflections about the person and precepts of Jesus of Nazareth. We also believe that listening to these in the context of good music will help these thoughts to connect at the head and the heart levels. Find all the recordings of our Sunday messages below:

 Latest Sermons:

Holy Spirit
Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

Holy Spirit

Pastor Bart Tarman delivers the message "Holy Spirit". Introduction by Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker, music from Music Director Kathleen Sieck.

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Redemptive Suffering
Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

Redemptive Suffering

Pastor Bart Tarman delivers the Good Friday message "Redemptive Suffering". Introduction by Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker, music from Music Director Kathleen Sieck.

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Palm Sunday Sermon
Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

Palm Sunday Sermon

Pastor Bart Tarman delivers the Palm Sunday message "Peace and Joy with the Cross in View" followed by music from Kathleen Sieck. Introduction by Associate Pastor David Mosgofian Koeker.

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What is the Church?
Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

What is the Church?

This is our first video message for our members and those who are joining us around the country and around the world. While we are not holding services for the next several weeks, we felt it best to do as much as we can to stay in touch with you.

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Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

"Being Transfigured", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 12

Scripture: Matthew 17:1-8 Bart illustrates what it means to pursue the spiritual life in our walk with Jesus. We have to let go of many things; sometimes the very things we cling to: our possessions, our family, our finances, our children, even our addictions. Jesus is always waiting for us, but if we try bringing all our material and emotional baggage with us, we won't get there. We have to relieve ourselves of these burdens before we can move on.

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Bart Tarman Donald Hedden Bart Tarman Donald Hedden

"Upside Down", 12 Beliefs of Jesus, Part 9

Bart continues his series by asking us to examine who we are and what we are as we attempt to follow the path of Jesus. Sometimes self examination can be very painful, often revealing and can carry with it a desire to not too far beneath the surface of our lives; to truly go really deep into our heart and our mind. Jesus asks each of us to examine who we are in relation to where God wants us to be as we live out our lives in the kingdom. Listen as Bart takes us on a journey of self discovery.

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